With Soul Hunt, Margaret Ronald continues the edgy adventures of Red Sox fan and supernatural tracker Evie (“Hound”) Scelan as she negotiates her way through Boston’s deadly undercurrent. One of the most exciting new voices in urban fantasy follows her Spiral Hunt and Wild Hunt with another electrifying tale of paranormal activities, as Evie Scelan must make good on an otherworldly debt or suffer devastating consequences. Aficionados of Kim Harrison and Jim Butcher—and anyone who appreciates the brilliant contemporary spins on ancient mythology deftly executed by Neil Gaiman and Tim Powers—will certainly want to hunt down Margaret Ronald’s Soul Hunt.
Margaret Ronald learned to read on a blend of The Adventures of Tintin, Greek mythology, and Bloom County compilations. Her vocabulary never quite recovered. The author of two previous Evie Scelan novels, Spiral Hunt and Wild Hunt, Margaret has also written stories for Realms of Fantasy, Strange Horizons, Baen's Universe, and Fantasy Magazine.