Gertz I. Likhtenshtein received his PhD and his doctor of science from the Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics at the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow, where he was appointed to the position of Head of Laboratory of Chemical Physics of Enzyme Catalysis in 1965, becoming a professor in 1976.
In 1992 he moved to the Department of Chemistry at the Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Israel, as a full professor in charge of the Laboratory of Chemical Biophysics and has been an emeritus since 2003. He has authored nine scientific books and around 380 papers, and his many awards include the Medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievement, the Diploma of Discovery, the USSR State Prize, the V.V. Voevodsky
International Price for Chemical Physics and the Diploma of the Israel Chemical Society. Professor Likhtenshtein is a member of the International ESR Society, the American Biophysical Society, the Israel Chemical Society and the Israel ESR Society.
His main scientific interests focus on antioxidants analysis and mechanisms of light energy conversion.