Lisa's life boring without romance with zero excitement until she meets Maxine. Through Max she is given a choice to join a prestigious group of women with a fetish for beautiful shoes.
Everything has a price and when asked to join the group Lisa must make a choice.
Does she upgrade or stay the same. When reaching for something better, there are always casualties. But for Lisa, is it worth it?
Zoey Melendez lives the life of bliss only in appearances. Her shoes, purses, clothes are all expensive but so are her bills.
When things get tough at her job she and her co-workers concoct a plan. A plan so devious that it threatens to change her life and everyone around her.
Read both of these stories in the Red Bottom Bundle!
Keywords: Urban Fiction, African American books, Romance bundle, book bundle, Urban Fiction bundle, african american bundle, Street fiction, hood books, Black books, book bundle, Romance bundle, Urban lit bundle, Contemporary Romance, Tattoo Romance, Romantic Suspense, Montgomery Ink, Women's Fiction, Bad Boy Romance, Blue Collar Romance