This book provides technical information and research ideas regarding the use of nanotechnology in telecommunications and information processing, reflecting the continuing trend toward the use of optoelectronics. Nanotech will eventually lead to a technology cluster that offers a complete range of functionalities for systems used in domains including information, energy, construction, environmental, and biomedical. Describing current and future developments that hold promise for significant innovations in telecommunications, this book is organized to provide a progressive understanding of topics including:
The scale of the physical systems that use nanoscale electronic devices is still large, and that presents serious challenges to the establishment of interconnections between nanoscale devices and the outside world. Also addressing consequent social implications of nanotech, this book reviews a broad range of the nano concepts and their influence on every aspect of telecommunications. It describes the different levels of interconnections in systems and details the standardized assembly process for a broad specrum of micro-, nano-, bio-, fiber-optic, and optoelectronic components and functions. This book is a powerful tool for understanding how to harness the power of nanotech through integration of materials, processes, devices, and applications.