â This book is about using Python to get the socket program done on LINUX as well as Windows using Python. I hope by now you have heard of Python, the exciting object-oriented scripting language that is rapidly entering the programming mainstream. Although Python is perhaps better known on the Linux/Unix platform, it offers a superb degree of integration with the Windows environment.
â This book can thus be considered the definitive reference to date for Python on the Windows platform.
Ajit Singh
Ajit Singh is an academician, researcher and author of Computer Science academic (UG/PG Courses) books. He has more than 20Yrs of teaching experience for the department of Computer Science across several colleges of Patna University.Â
Currently, he is also a verified mentor of Web of Science and EURAXESS Bulgaria.Â
He is also an ambassador of World Literacy Foundation (Australia), member of International Peace Beauru (Berlin) and PhD Member of INTITUT de DIPLOMATIE PUBLIQUE (UK).