Language shapes the way we think and determine what we can think about (Benjamin Lee Whorf)
Widya Caterine Perdhani is a lecturer in English at Brawijaya University. He earned a bachelor's degree in English from Jambi University in 2007. She has experience in teaching English at several language centers, universities (Tridinanti University and Muhammadiyah Palembang University) for two years. She earned a master's degree in English Language Education program at PGRI Palembang University in 2010. She currently teaches English at Brawijaya University in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. She is a doctor in English Education from the State University of Malang. He is a presenter for several national levels and international conferences, namely the UPGRI, NELTAL, TEFLIN, and IETA Language Education Seminar. He can be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].
Isti Purwaningtyas was born in Malang, May 19, 1979. She completed her bachelor's degree in English Literature at Malang State University in 2002 and took a master's program in English Education at the same university in 2007. Her interest in linguistics are on Sociolinguistics and Second Language Acquisition. By having some researches on students’ critical thinking on Sociolinguistics studies as well as having the experiences to work with students on projects and thesis on Sociolinguistics, she decided to present this Sociolinguistics book for everyone interested in seeing the linguistics reality in society.
Emy Sudarwati was born in Tulungagung, April 14, 1983. She is the first of two children. She completed her undergraduate studies at the Department of English Literature, State University of Malang in 2001. In 2008 she continued his education to the Masters level in the field of English Education. Currently, she is a mother of two children and is listed as a lecturer in English at the Faculty of Cultural studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Currently she is a doctoral candidate in the field of English Education at the State University of Malang. Her interest in linguistics and its relationship with society, especially in sociolinguistics, encouraged her to write this book.