Author Simon Marlow walks you through the process with lots of code examples that you can run, experiment with, and extend. Divided into separate sections on Parallel and Concurrent Haskell, this book also includes exercises to help you become familiar with the concepts presented:
Simon Marlow has been a prominent figure in the Haskell community formany years. He is the author of large parts of the Glasgow HaskellCompiler, including in particular its highly regarded mulitcoreruntime system, along with many of the libraries and tools thatHaskell programmers take for granted. Simon also contributes to thefunctional programming research community, and has a string of paperson subjects ranging from garbage collection to language design. Inrecent years Simon's focus has been on making Haskell an idealprogramming language for parallel and concurrent applications, both bydeveloping new programming models and building a high-qualityimplementation.
Simon spent 14 years at Microsoft's Research laborotory in Cambridge,before taking a break in Spring 2013 to work on this book. Hecurrently works at Facebook UK.