Shyam Wuppuluri is the recipient of the 2020 Albert-Einstein Fellowship at Caputh and is an elected fellow of The Royal Society of Arts. He teaches at Mumbai and has a long standing interest in foundations of sciences and philosophy. As a lead editor, he has published several highly interdisciplinary volumes on various themes including "The Map and the Territory: Exploring the Foundations of Science, Thought and Reality" and "Space, Time and the Limits of Human Understanding".
Ian Stewart FRS is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick and author or coauthor of over 200 research papers on pattern formation, chaos, network dynamics, and biomathematics. He has been a Fellow of The Royal Society since 2001, and has served on Council, its governing body. He has five honorary doctorates. He has published more than 120 books including "Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory", "The Symmetry Perspective", popular mathematics books "Why Beauty is Truth", "Calculating the Cosmos", "Significant Figures", "What’s the Use?", and the four-volume series "The Science of Discworld" with the late Sir Terry Pratchett and Jack Cohen. His awards include the Royal Society’s Faraday Medal, the Gold Medal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications, the Zeeman Medal (IMA and London Mathematical Society), the Lewis Thomas Prize (Rockefeller University), and the Euler Book Prize (Mathematical Association of America).