Sheree Fitch was born in Ottawa, Ontario. She is a poet, lecturer and storyteller. Her first book Toes in My Nose was published in 1987. In1995 she was the featured children's writer at the International Writer's Festival in Vancouver, BC. Fitch has received numerous literary awards and prizes including: N.B. Writer's Federation President's Award for first prize for an unpublished collection of adult poetry 1988 (later to become basis for In this House Are Many Women); Atlantic Bookseller's Choice Award for Sleeping Dragons All Around, 1990; Mr. Christie's Children's Book Award for There Were Monkeys in My Kitchen, 1993; Canadian Authors Association Mariana Dempster Award for contribution to Children's Literature, 1995; Anne Connor Brimer Award for Mabel Murple, 1996; Nova Scotia Arts Council Grant, 1997; Silver Birch Award (Ontario's children's choice) and the Hackamatack Award (Atlantic children's choice) awards for If You Could Wear My Sneakers, 2000; Queen's Medal; Vicky Metcalf Award for body of work in children's literature 2000; Winner of the Saskatchewan Snow Willow Award and CBC Young Canada Reads for The Gravesavers. She is Honorary Spokesperson for the New Brunswick Coalition for Literacy and for the IWK Read to Me program in Nova Scotia.
Emma FitzGerald was born in Lesotho, a small mountainous kingdom in Southern Africa, to Irish parents, did most of her growing up in Vancouver, and calls Halifax home. She wrote and illustrated Hand Drawn Halifax and Sketch by Sketch Along Nova Scotia's South Shore, and is currently working on Hand Drawn Vancouver. When she isn't sketching, she enjoys dancing and getting lost in new places.