Steven Cundiff is also a professor at the University of Michigan. He works on experimental ultrafast optics with an emphasis on coherent spectroscopy and frequency combs. His spectroscopic studies have focused on semiconductors, semiconductor nanostructures, and recently 2D materials. He has also studied atomic vapors including collective effects that have analogies in semiconductors. He did pioneering work on femtosecond frequency combs, and recently demonstrated multidimensional coherent spectroscopy using combs. He is coauthor on over 250 paper in refereed journals and books.
Mackillo Kira is a professor at the University of Michigan, and he has pioneered the systematic quantum theory of semiconductor quantum optics for decades. This work includes predicting and explaining quantum-entanglement effects in semiconductor microcavities, introducing semiconductor quantum spectroscopy, and discovering the dropleton, the highly entangled quasiparticle, with Prof. Cundiff. Prof. Kira is currently interested in semiconductor quantum optics, quantum many-body physics of diverse quantum systems, ultrafast and extreme nonlinear spectroscopy in solids, terahertz and quantum spectroscopy of complex systems, as well as artificial photo synthesis. He is a co-author of more than 180 papers and one of the first text books on Semiconductor Quantum Optics.