Neal Snape obtained his Ph.D. in Language and Linguistics from the University of Essex, UK. He completed a post-doc and taught ESL at the University of Calgary, Canada and taught EFL and Linguistics at Hokkaido University, Japan. His research interests include adult second language acquisition. He is currently affiliated with Gunma Prefectural Women's University, Japan.
Tanja Kupisch obtained her Ph.D. in Romance Linguistics from the University of Hamburg, Germany. She has worked as a researcher and teacher at the University of Calgary, Canada, McGill University, Canada, University of Hamburg, Germany, Lund University, Sweden, the University of Konstanz, Germany and The Artic University of Norway in Tromsø, Norway. Her research interests include early bilingualism, heritage bilingualism, first, second language and third language acquisition, bilectal language acquisition and language dominance.