Many of us are familiar with the Western horoscope based on twelve signs starting with Aries the Ram and ending with Pisces the Fish. Similarly, the Chinese zodiac is based on twelve signs, all represented by animals, that provide insight into your personality and character. Though you are most likely familiar with your year sign, you will soon discover there is much more beyond that. In Focus Chinese Astrology is the perfect introduction—or refresher—to interpreting your horoscope according to the Eastern zodiac. Learn more about yourself and those around you in this compact but illuminating guide.
This artfully designed guide covers a wide range of astrology topics, including:
After longing to know what made people tick, Sasha Fenton found astrology to give her the answers she was seeking. Sasha has written astrology columns for many magazines and newspapers and numerous books within the mind, body, and spirit subjects, including In Focus Astrology and In Focus Numerology. She has appeared on radio and television programs and presented talks and workshops at spiritual and astrological festivals around the world. She served as president of the British Astrological and Psychic Society, former chair of the Advisory Panel on Astrological Education, and was a past member of the executive council of the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain. Most recently, she helped launch MBS Professionals Ltd., a business-to-business service for those who work in the Mind, Body and Spirit professions. She lives in western England.