It is very beneficial to practice yoga to prevent and cure diseases that are increasing day by day without incurring expense or harm to make the body healthy, the mind happy, and the intellect pure and sharp. Yogāsanas prove extremely beneficial for optimum development of the body. The yoga āsanas, which are very beneficial for the present day and which provide more benefit in the minimum time, are given in this book with pictures, methods, precautions, and benefits. By taking the benefits of these you can gain health as well as spiritual benefits. ‘Yogāsana’ book contains:
* A short life sketch of Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu, a master of the science of yoga, who has led crores of people on the path of yoga and spiritual knowledge.
* A mantra for excellent health.
* A mantra and measures for the preservation of Brahmacharya (celibacy).
* How, where, and when should the Yogāsanas be performed.
* The important points about Yogāsanas.
* Padmāsana: To enhance life energy and intellect.
* Siddhāsana: Gives supernatural powers (siddhis).
* Sarvāngāsana: To prevent aging and conquer death.
* Halāsana: Helps make the body strong and glowing.
* Pawanamuktāsana: Relieves flatulence and constipation, and increases memory power.
* Matsyāsana: Cures diseases of the throat, chest, eyes, and menstrual disorders.
* Bhujangāsana: Destroys all diseases and helps in Kundalini awakening.
* Dhanurāsana: Makes the voice sweet and enhances beauty.
* Chakrāsana: Makes the body vigorous and energetic.
* Katipindamardanāsana: Helps in many diseases like backache, sciatica, stiffness of the backbone, and impotency.
* Ardhamatsyendrāsana: Helps to maintain the agility of youthfulness.
* Yogamudrāsana: Helps make the heart strong, awakens Kundalini and destroys sexual disorders.
* Gorakshāsana: Increases will-power and decreases restlessness of the mind.
* Mayurāsana: Destroys indigestion and helps in practicing celibacy.
* Vajrāsana: Increases digestive power, muscle power and destroys defects of semen.
* Suptavajrāsana: Helps to stop wet dreams and awakens Kundalini.
* Shavāsana: Increases mental power.
* Pādapashchimottānāsana: Helps especially in the practice of celibacy and destroys death.
* Tribandha: Brings about radical transformation in one’s life.
* Kewalī Kumbhak: Fulfills all wishes.
* Jala Neti: A yogic measure to remove 1500 minor and major diseases.
* Gaja Karani: Amazingly helpful in many diseases.
* Sharīra Shodhana Kāyā kalpa: Gives miraculous benefits.
* Kalajuga Nahin Karajuga Hai Yaha (Poem).
For the last 50 years the effulgent spiritual wealth of India, Sant Sri Asharam Ji Bapu has been traveling across the length and breadth of India imparting spiritual knowledge to awaken the masses.
Asharam BapuJi's life is a source of inspiration to millions. The number of Asharam Bapuji's disciples is in millions across national and international boundaries.