Five of the seven peer-reviewed contributions in Volume 61 are available to read Open Access via this webpage and on OAPEN. Supplementary material is provided online on the Support Materials tab on the book’s webpage for Reviews 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6..
Volume 61 features a review of 100 years of daily sea surface temperature from the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California; an exploration of the biology and life cycle of enigmatic crustacean y-larvae; a review of the science, policy and management of the Central and South Atlantic Deep Sea benthos; a review of the biodiversity of the Irish-Scottish continental margin; an investigation of how new molecular tools can be used for marine biodiversity and ecosystem assessments, and a look at the resilience of marine organisms to climate change. A final monograph considers enemy shells as refugia from grazing and competition pressure.
If you are interested in submitting a review for consideration for publication in OMBAR, please email the new co-Editors in Chief, Dr Peter Todd ([email protected]) and Dr Bayden Russell ([email protected]). Guidelines for contributors to OMBAR, including information on illustration requirements, can be downloaded on the "Support Material" tab on the latest volume’s webpage.
S. J. Hawkins BSc, PhD, DSc, FSB is Professor of Natural Sciences at Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, University of Southampton.
B. D. Russell BSc, PhD is Associate Director of SWIMS and Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong.
P. A. Todd BSc, PhD is Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the National University of Singapore where he runs the Experimental Marine Ecology Laboratory. He is the Director of the Bachelor in Environmental Sciences programme and the Coordinator of the Minor in Aquatic Ecology. He is also a Programme Committee member for the Masters of Environmental Management. He joined the Teaching Academy in 2014 and became Vice Chair in 2020.