What is appropriate? Do I act like I never saw the letters and put them back in with her things? Do I show them to my dad and ask him what is appropriate to do with them? out of respect for mom and out of respect for those of us who survive her because they could have just as easily fallen into anyone elses possession, I will share with you these letters. -S. Cunningham, Chapter 23: Dear Diary Due to various circumstances, she may become overwhelmed by many responsibilities which she feels before God she must be able to meet. She doesnt want to complain, because she wants to be totally surrendered to Gods will and respectful of her husbands leadership. If her husband does not sense the pressure his wife is under, and if she feels this is all Gods will, then she has NO OUT. This can lead in extreme circumstances to mental disorders (temporary or permanent) or suicide. -Carol Cunningham, Chapter 9: Dear Tim Maybe Im insane and irrational in an attempt to explain my mothers death, but to me it makes more sense now. Now that I read moms writing what she really felt. I read these letters and for the first time see her as more than a mother, but as a person with weaknesses and struggles like anyone else. -S. Cunningham, Chapter 23: Dear Diary