“What a splendid book! Reading it is a joy, and for me, at least, continuing reading it became compulsive…. Chandrasekhar is a distinguished astrophysicist and every one of the lectures bears the hallmark of all his work: precision, thoroughness, lucidity.” —Sir Hermann Bondi, Nature
Does aesthetics play a role in science? Can it be that science is given impetus by a search for beauty? What relation exists between the beauty of an idea and its power to account for some aspect of the natural world? Throughout his distinguished career, S. Chandrasekhar has given time and thought to these questions and to their implications for his work and the work of others. Truth and Beauty gathers the fruits of his meditations.
Heisenberg, observes Chandrasekhar, spoke eloquently of the sheer force of his aesthetic experience when he discovered the key to the quantum theory. Weyl characterized the process of working out his gauge theory as a choice of the beautiful over the true, a choice strongly supported by subsequent research. Einstein also felt the aesthetic power underlying his discoveries. While most of the seven essays in Truth and Beauty deal generally with the nature of science and the process of research, two essays explore the work of individuals.
—Edward Arthur Milne and Arthur Stanley Eddington
The late S. Chandrasekhar was best known for his discovery of the upper limit to the mass of a white dwarf star, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1983. He was the author of many books, including The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes and, most recently, Newton's Principia for the Common Reader.