In navigating the case, Inspector Mislan Latif and Detective Sergeant Johan Kamaruddin of Special Investigations (D9) face an unprecedented hurdle: the imposition of the nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO). Pursuing their leads in spite of these new restrictions, the investigators come into contact with members of the underworld and the refugee community, before realizing that the real culprits might be closer than they think…
(Buku Fixi) (Fixi Novo)
Rozlan Mohd Noor served as a police officer in the Royal Malaysia Police for 11 years as a crime investigator and court prosecutor before joining the private sector. He has published several crime/thriller novels. Five of them feature Inspector Mislan as the main protagonist, with Philanthropists being the latest. The Inspector Mislan novels are now published internationally by Arcade Crimewise, New York, starting with 21 Immortals in 2020 and DUKE in 2021.