Wearepleasedtopresenttheproceedingsofthe8thInternationalConferenceon Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics – PPAM 2009, which was held in Wroc law, Poland, September 13–16, 2009. It was organized by the Department ofComputer andInformationSciencesof theCzestochowaUniversity ofTechno- logy, withthehelpoftheWroc lawUniversityofTechnology, FacultyofComputer Science and Management. The main organizer was Roman Wyrzykowski. PPAM is a biennial conference. Seven previous events have been held in di?erentplacesinPolandsince1994.Theproceedingsofthelastfourconferences havebeenpublishedbySpringerintheLectureNotes in Computer Science series (Nal ecz ́ ow, 2001, vol.2328;Czestochowa,2003, vol.3019;Poznan ́, 2005, vol.3911; Gdan ́sk, 2007, vol. 4967). The PPAM conferences have become an international forum for exchanging ideasbetweenresearchersinvolvedinparallelanddistributedcomputing, incl- ing theory and applications, as well as applied and computational mathematics.