Sedentism on the Columbia Plateau: A Matter of Degree Related to the Easy and Efficient Procurement of Resources - E. S. Lohse and D. Sammons-Lohse
The Bandon Burials--Symposium
1. The Bandon Case (35-CS-43C): Applying the Oregon Burial Law - Dick Ross
2. A Bandon Perspective on Site 35-CS-43C - Betty Lindon-Vogel and Roberta L. Hall
3. Faunal Remains and Artifacts from Bandon, Oregon, Site 35-CS-43C - Lee W. Lindsay, Jr. and Anthony R. Keith
4. Analysis of a Sea Mammal Canine Pendant - Mariana L. Mace
5. Skeletal Population at 35-CS-43C, May, 1986 - Roberta L. Hall
Microdebitage Analysis in Activity Analysis, An Application - Elizabeth D. Vance
Native American Religious Use in the Pacific Northwest: A Case Study from the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest - Madonna L. Moss
Coast Salish Social Organization and Economic Redistribution - William R. Belcher
Flora Present at the Pierce, Idaho, Chinese Mining Site, 10-CW-436 - Priscilla Wegars
Comments on the Distribution of Folsom Points in Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho - Mark G. Plew and Daniel S. Meatte
Cultural Resource Management and the Oregon Bibliographic File System - Leland Gilson