Let Robin guide you in her signature light-hearted style through the entire process of creating a presentation—from planning and organizing your ideas to designing effective, beautiful slides that won’t put your audience to sleep.
In this essential guide to presentation design, you’ll learn:
• What makes a good presentation—or a bad one
• How to plan, organize, and outline your presentation
• Four principles for developing effective presentations
• Four principles for designing beautiful slides that communicate clearly
• Specific tips for using animation and transitions that aren’t annoying
• A list of timeless presentation rules . . . that you should totally ignore
Robin Williams is the author of dozens of best-selling and award-winning books, including The Non-Designer’s Design Book, The Little Mac Book, and so many more. Through her writing, teaching, and workshops, Robin has educated and influenced an entire generation of computer users in the areas of design, typography, desktop publishing, the Mac, and the web.