Brian Collins
The OCR software did a horrible job on this book. The book is illegible because of the numerous errors: "Wherefore that fleld Is called the fleld of blood unto this <l'iy;" But how etanil the fact« ав to oar Greek Qoepel Т We have not a tittle of historical evidence... the president of tbe synagogue was of tbe same order as bis presbyters, so the hlsbop was of the ваше order an his presbyters. I will liken him unto a wl»e man—a shrewd, prudent, provident man— which built hi» hoiue upon a rock—the rock of true dlsclpleshlp, or genuine subjection to Christ. Я*. In 2 Timothy LIZ; 4. •• bord, bord—The reiteration denotes surprise. 'What, Lord? How Is this? Are we to be disowned?' bave we not prophe»led—or'publicly taught.'