In 1910, in response to numerous requests he expanded the movement by founding the Girl Guides Association, a similar outdoor-oriented organization for girls. Girl Guiding was originally written in 1918, and this ebook was created from a US 1925 edition, hence the title Scouting for Girls (the Girl Guides was mainly a term used in Britian and its Commonwealth).
The manual contains sections on Girl Scout ranks, skills to be learned and merit badges. Various other activities and information is presented in a well organized manner—from Games/activities, to minor first aid, sewing and cooking, to knots, signalling and other campcrafts. Anyone interested in the history of Girl Scouting will definitely want to read this interesting and enlightening book.
(NOTE - This very early Girl scouts manual is only preceded by 2 smaller pamphlets by Baden-Powell and the first british Girl Scout manual The Handbook for Girl Guides or How Girls Can Help to Build Up the Empire....a fascinating document and of considerable historical note.)
Keywords: Girl Scout,scouting,brownie,tenderfoot,first class,girl scouts