One study says that by age seven, 65 percent of children have had an imaginary friend. Are these "imaginary friends" actually spirits? Do children have the dead as their "imaginary" playmates? They're not imaginary at all. They're real, but they're dead!
Children are natural mediums, psychics, and necromancers. They can channel the other world.
Is the poltergeist phenomenon caused by children's imaginary friends? Can imaginary friends operate externally to children's minds? Are some children in cahoots with spirits?
There is nothing more fascinating than the psychic abilities of children and the astonishing thing that eventually happens to them which suppresses their paranormal powers in order to allow them to enter the normal world, the adult world.
What would you prefer – to remain a child all your life and have paranormal powers, or to become an adult and sacrifice your paranormal powers? Nature has made this a tradeoff. Do you want to be Peter Pan, who can fly but can never grow up, or do you want to join the adults and have adult fun and also adult responsibilities?
Why do children lose their natural powers? Is it possible to get these powers back? Can adults recover their lost paranormal abilities, the abilities which society warned them as children never to play with?
It's always dangerous to play with fire. It's even more dangerous to ignore your natural fire. Isn't it time to light up your life?
Rob Armstrong researches all things paranormal.