Becky Baldridge
After reading Rival's Break, I think it's safe to say this is not exactly a standalone story. The mystery, such as it is, could probably stand on its own, but the number of characters who pop in and out and have little to absolutely nothing to do with the case is way over the top. And it's not just that those characters are mentioned. Oh no, we get what I felt was a ridiculous number of points of view. I could have safely skipped a number of chapters and not missed a single thing to do with the case, and I felt like I needed to sift through to find the 'gripping novel of international intrigue and suspense' that is promised in the blurb. In the end, I didn't find any of that and was quite underwhelmed with this one. I don't know if this is Carla Neggers' style or if the many points of view used here is something new, so I remain undecided on whether I'll try another book. I'm sure that fans of the series will enjoy this one more than I did, but it clearly wasn't a good fit for me.
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Teri Hicks
I haven't yet experienced the Donovan's and Sharpe's since this is my first read by this author but I have to admit I am intrigued. I did enjoy this author's style and her characters. It's a fast paced read with a lot of twist and turn that keep you on the edge of your seat and no lasting suspects. They thought they would have some peaceful sweet time together but they are out of luck. A simple food poisoning ends up being so much more. If you are a follower you know that MI5 and FBI and more are strung throughout these two clans and there always seems to be action surrounding them. It's a race to the finish and lives are on the line. With a surprising twist and lots of colorful characters it's a great read.
Paula Hockenberry
I volunteered to read and review an advanced readers copy through Netgallery of Rivals Break . This is a fantastic suspense . It's got a fabulous story line . The characters are a unique bunch . It's very intense and interesting definitely intriguing . There's romance and love along with hate. Emma and Collin both work for the FBI . Collin works as an undercover agent . During the wedding reception of his brother Collin and his other brother Kevin a marine patrol officer head to the dock about a possible food poisoning . Little do they realize there is more than food poisoning going on . This story keeps you guessing it has so many twists and turns . This story poisonings , thief , murder , explosion . A very enjoyable read . There is so much happening through out this story I couldn't put it down . I found myself on the edge of my seat . I highly recommend taking the time to read this story . I hope you find it as fabulous as I do .