Rini Yudiati, M.Pd. is a lecturer at University Wiraraja. she was born in Sumenep on June 26, 1983. After finishing her secondary education at SDN Saronggi I Saronggi. She continued studying at Al- Amien Boarding School during 6 years (MTs and MA). She took her undergraduate at FKIP Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta on 2003 – 2008. And master degree in English Education Programme at UNISMA Malang on 2009 – 2011.
She taught English subject in MTs and SMA of Toha Praktika about 3 years before she joined with University Wiraraja. She was being taught English subject in Agriculture faculty, Nursing programme, Midwifery programme, Economy and business faculty, Civil Engineering faculty, and Teacher Training and Education Faculty till now. Beside that, She was a head of language centre at University Wiraraja for this period (2018 -2022).
This is the first book made by her. She thought from writing book could share her knowledge and she hoped the book usefull for the community.