I love it Google gives us a format speak after we read a book or by our thoughts what I'd like to say is people please please research a church if you're going to start going to it don't just jump in blindly that's your soul and bargaining and playing with and that they want be very careful a lot of these cults look for people who have no knowledge of the Bible and then they believe the things that they say just research find out about how the church was started with their Doctrine is are they doing anything that isn't in the Bible and I won't pinpoint any churches right now although I should but look into it first your soul is valuable and precious one of the kind hang on to it because you're going to use it soon I think and don't let these false preachers make you lose it
galen switzer
Well said, simple, to the point, convincing, a real blessing. I will be reading more of your works soon.
Bradzito Johnny
This is a excellent e-book. I recommend a lot.