Prof. Ricardo Guerrero-Lemus obtained his PhD at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 1996. He is the Director of the Master in Renewable Energies at Universidad de La Laguna (2006 - ) and Associated Research Professor and Visiting Scholar of the Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute (San Antonio, U.S.). He has also joined the Chair in Renewable Energy and Climate Change (2008 - ) of the Applied Economics Studies Foundation (Madrid, Spain). He is also board member of the Energy Council of the Canary Islands Government. He has been on economic and technological research activities under the Focus- Abengoa Foundation. He has been board member of different industrial parks in Spain and of the Instituto Tecnológico de Energías Renovables (ITER, SA) in Tenerife. His activities also include leading a group of professors from different universities and managers of energy companies for consulting activities. He is also leading two research groups, one focused in the development of low cost silicon based solar cells and solar cells processing (in close collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute für Solare Energiesysteme) and another research group in improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings. He is author of about 60 articles (mainly in energy subjects) in reputed scientific journals, one book in Biofuels, and is external reviewer of the Spanish Evaluation and Prospective Agency (ANEP).
Prof. J.M. Martínez-Duart obtained his Master Degree in Physics at the University of Michigan and his PhD, both, at the universities of Madrid and Pennsylvania. He has been teaching and doing research at the following centers: Penn State University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, IBM Watson Research Center and at Universidad Autónoma where he has been Professor of Physics since 1980. During this time he has been Director of the Solid State Physics Institute (CSIC, Madrid), and Director of the Applied Physics Department (Univ. Autónoma). He has also been the President of the European Materials Research Society during the period 2000-2001, holding now the position of Senator in the Executive Committee. His main scientific interests are related to the electronic and optical properties of materials, surfaces, thin films, nanostructured materials, and renewable energies. At present, he is the President of the Energy Group of the Spanish Physical Royal Society and belongs to the Energy Group Committee of the European Physical Society