REBECCA KATZ is the founder of the Inner Cook and senior chef at Commonweal Cancer Help Program in Marin County, California.
If you had to boil your book’s message down to one sentence, what would it be? Good nutrition and great taste don’t have to sit at opposite ends of the table! What are you working on now? I’m working on a second book for people undergoing cancer treatment that will cross reference specific symptoms and cancer types with foods that will bolster the effectiveness and outcome of their treatment. Do you eat your vegetables? I love my veggies. Especially the stud vegetable, broccoli! I even love my dark leafy greens, sautéed in a bath of olive oil and garlic. Tell me something that other people might not know about you. I’m a certified food fondler. Have any good pet stories? Bella is my 4 ½ year old Portuguese Water Dog. She is the ultimate kitchen dog with an amazing nose. Currently, she has a job—every Monday, I bring her to a clinic in San Anselmo where she is a part of the second Canine Cancer Scent Study in the country. A dog’s olfactory senses are 800% more sensitive than humans. A dog can smell cancerous molecules through the breath, even before a scan can diagnose the presence of cancer in the body. Dogs are redefining the “Pet Scan.” She works for treats. Her nose is so sensitive, that if I am making one of my regular dishes, and I forget to add the carrots, she will take her paw and scratch my leg to remind me.