Charlotte Ransome, desperate to reach Jamaica to see her secret fiancÊ, disguises herself as a midshipman for a convoy led by her brother, Captain William Ransome. Meanwhile, William and his new bride, Julia, face the rough swells of the sea and of marriage as they try to adjust to life together.
When yellow fever befalls Charlotte and her identity is discovered, she begs first officer, Ned Cochran, and Julia to keep her presence and illness from her brother. But could this secret create insurmountable waves between Julia and William? And will Nedâs tender care of Charlotte change the tide of her affections forever?
This smart, engaging tale is about holding on to faith during the journey to love and be loved.
Kaye Dacus, author of Ransomeâs Honor has a BA in English, with a minor in history, and an MA in writing popular fiction. Her love of the Regency era started with Jane Austen. Her passion for literature and for history come together to shape her creative, well-researched, and engaging writing.