Paolo Predonzani
"Learning Alfresco Web Scripts" was published just a few weeks ago. I bought it, quickly read the interesting bits, then re-read it from cover to cover. Overall this book covers the core webscript skills well and is appealing to both beginners and experts. Beginners will find all the tutorials and introductory material to get started. Experts will come back to this book for the depth of the more technical topics. Any book on the subject is expected to guide the readers in the steps to set up their first webscript. "Learning Alfresco Web Scripts" does a good job at introducing the parts that make up a webscript (the descriptor, the Freemarker template, the Javascript controller, the config xml file, the i18n bundles), clearly explaining which are required and which are optional, and guiding in the webscript installation and testing. Then the book illustrates the fundamental knowledge, tools and techniques that a developer has to master to become an Alfresco developer. The technical level is good. Often the book points to and explains Alfresco's source code as a source of examples and inspiration. A nice bottom-up approach that experienced developers will appreciate.