Ram Niwas Bairwa, a retired Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Regional Office, Indore, was born in Delhi (1952) and brought up in an underdeveloped village in Jaipur District, Rajasthan. After completing school, he did a diploma in stenography and joined the service and continued his further studies. In the last 22 years, he has published twelve books on various subjects and labour laws. His first book was published in April, 1994 on the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, bilingual (in Hindi and English). For about eighteen years, he was a regular faculty in the Zonal Training Institute (West Zone) in Ahmedabad and Ujjain. The fruitful interactions with the staff from various offices and workers and employers from different states enriched his views on social security and EPF. These interactions prompted him to give fresh perspectives on different topics. These were widely well-appreciated and proved to be beneficial to the staff, officers, employers and workers allover India.