In the first story the adventures of The Spirits of the Land where the Magician travel to Yorkshire, England, and do a tourist trip as only they can. They are mistaken for aliens and ghosts and on is see things is it only swap gas or is it real?
The 2nd story Fake and Enter in which a stage magician commits break and enter to find out how a trick was on and breaks into the most unexpected place the afterlife.
The last story In Death Plays Solitaire: Blake, the King of Death sits trying to get drunk early one morning after a back magic act and is mistaken for another man an assassin, can Blake save the man who these people want him to kill or will he find posing as the assassin a big mistake.
Rachel is a lover of gothic poetry and the stories of Emily Dickinson, Poe, and other poets and writers. She writes in a gothic sometimes romantic, and somewhat eclectic style
Is a classic, prolific writer.