Do you want to know how best to help them?
Are you confused about what helps and what hinders?
Learners with MLD form one of the largest categories of special educational need in mainstream secondary schools. In most schools, the vast majority of learners with MLD will be taught in mainstream classes much of the time. This book outlines a range of strategies and approaches for supporting these learners. It includes all the vital information practitioners need to know about Moderate Learning Difficulties. Key points covered include:
Understanding and Supporting Pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties in the Secondary School provides an introduction to a wide range of ideas, arguments and perspectives about ways of understanding and supporting learners who are considered to have MLD. This is a much-needed source of knowledge for teachers, TAs, SENCos, Learning Mentors and anyone who supports children and young people with moderate learning difficulties and provides an honest and accessible approach.
Rachael Hayes is an educational psychologist with experience of working in primary and secondary schools and PRUs.
Pippa Whittaker is a SENCO who has worked in four secondary schools to date. She is currently Curriculum Leader for Inclusion in a large and diverse inner-city academy.