The Anointing is already inside of you through the Holy Spirit.
Learn how to partner with His presence, release His power, and radically transform your world.
R.W. Schambach was a bold, powerful soul-winner and healing evangelist. For over sixty years, he conducted evangelistic crusades across the United States and around the world, with his meetings being characterized by mass conversions and New Testament miracles: the lame walking, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, and many captives being set free by the supernatural power of God. Schambach’s impact has been felt in over 200 nations through his media, crusades, and dynamic preaching.
Donna Schambach, the only daughter of R.W. Schambach, has been a pastor, educator, lecturer and evangelist. An accomplished leader, Donna has served in ministry in 1983 and presently stewards her father’s legacy through the Schambach Foundation. Traveling to over 40 nations and ministering to the inner cities of the USA, Donna coordinates and preaches for mass Gospel crusades. She also teaches Christians how to operate in signs, wonders and healing miracles.