Humanity has accomplished incredible feats. We have reached for the stars, and achieved things our forefathers considered impossible. And yet, the same key questions that eluded them, have eluded us - Who am I? Where have I come from? What is my true purpose? Questions spark the beginning of an inner journey.
Atmasiddhi Shastra is a 142-verse masterpiece, composed by 19th century self-realised saint Shrimad Rajchandraji in a single sitting of about 1.5 hours when He was only 28 years old. Quenching the genuine thirst of a seeker, Shrimadji shares six spiritual truths in this clearest, most cogent outline of the path. A brilliant clarification on diverse perspectives, it prompts you to realise who you are, and who you are not.
World-renowned spiritual leader Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji reveals the hidden treasures embedded within every verse of Atmasiddhi Shastra. The book is a step-by-step guide to self-realisation written with great compassion and vision by an enlightened Master. An indisputable path to universal truths is presented through an open-hearted dialogue between an experienced Master and an earnest seeker.
Exploring the soul, destiny, karma, death, rebirth, God and liberation, Atmasiddhi Shastra weaves scriptural testimony with a scientific approach, philosophy with practicality, doctrine with devotion, and logic with love. It covers every step of the path, with milestones of progress, warnings of pitfalls and perils, and a vivid glimpse of the final destination.
A guidebook for those in search of their everlasting nature, the deep spiritual richness of every verse is made accessible to read, retain and ruminate. Nothing that one requires to experience the soul, or to attain liberation is hidden or left out. A revolution awaits all those who seek wholeheartedly within these pages.
A masterclass in spirituality for every modern seeker, Atmasiddhi Shastra is a deeply personal experience. Ignite your inner quest. Discover your higher purpose. Reclaim your true identity. Experience your eternal bliss. Gift yourself this ocean of spirituality.
Enlightened master, spiritual visionary, modern-day mystic and humanitarian leader, Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji is the founder of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur – a spiritual organisation for inner transformation with 108 centres across five continents, 250 value education children's centres, and over 90 youth groups. Born on 26 September, 1966 in Mumbai, India, Pujya Gurudevshri showed signs of divinity at a very young age. An ardent devotee of Shrimad Rajchandraji, blending theory with experience and the head with the heart, Pujya Gurudevshri provides powerful and practical tools to joyfully tread the journey inward. His mastery of the spiritual principles, illuminating wisdom, pure love, rationality, oratory flair and sparkling wit, captivates people of any age or background. He reveals the deepest truths embedded in a vast array of scriptures, and has authored inspiring books on spirituality, translated in multiple languages. Pujya Gurudevshri's compassion has blossomed into Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care, offering selfless service and bringing joy to the underprivileged. This international initiative enjoys special consultative status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Transforming millions globally, inspiring humanity to seek self-realisation, He is a 21st century spiritual force, while remaining unmoved Himself - the unmoved mover.