Prodigal Storm

· Toccata System Bók 3 · Spells & Spaceships Press
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Two weeks ago, the AI that raised LJ forced her to murder the man she loved. 

But Conor survived. He wants nothing to do with the woman who tried to kill him, and yet LJ's got the only crew brash enough to chase after his father--who's a step away from twisting every AI in the Toccata System to serve his greed. 

Conor's desperate, and he's got a scheme of his own: shut down Toccata's AIs, permanently. If the price is a voyage with LJ and her crew of ex-assassins, he'll pay. 

LJ wants to leave the past behind. But she's not just another AI-trained killer: she's the worst of them all, and the proof of her cruelty stands before her. As mutiny and betrayal chase them across the sea, LJ and Conor must work together to survive--and if LJ can't face the sins of her past, she'll doom everyone she loves to a future that's made of chains.

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Um höfundinn

Kate Sheeran Swed loves hot chocolate, plastic dinosaurs, and airplane tickets. She has trekked along the Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu, hiked on the Mýrdalsjökull glacier in Iceland, and climbed the ruins of Masada to watch the sunrise over the Dead Sea. After growing up in New Hampshire, she completed degrees in music at the University of Maine and Ithaca College, then moved to New York City. She currently lives in New York’s capital region with her husband and son, and two cats who were named after movie dogs (Benji and Beethoven).

Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in the Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide Volume 5, Electric Spec, Daily Science Fiction, and Andromeda Spaceways. She holds an MFA in Fiction from Pacific University. You can find her on Instagram @katesheeranswed.

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