Here is one approach to frame such innovation. It has both an artistic and scientific dimension to it.
Artistic through necessity - in that when one tries to enter into the reality of what innovation is, there is no expression that can fully represent it, and hence art seems at least to capture the current surge of such a contemplation. But the medium of the art here is mathematical since for me that alone seemed to capture the richness implicit in this de facto aspect of reality.
The mathematics expressed here is therefore the art. And this will be abundantly apparent in the attempt, for instance, to capture the reality of a point-instant replete with all possibility. Necessarily the mathematical notation and the resulting mathematics had to expand beyond current norms in mathematics. This may raise eyebrows amongst some mathematicians. But as with my invitation in other recent writings I would welcome such individuals into collaboration to help capture perhaps in more robust ways what the artistic-mathematics here is seeking to express. I also mention that the Illustrator has written a piece relating the art in the book to Indian Art, that appears in the Appendix, primarily to do with the churning of the Ocean, an important event in Indian mythology.
The mathematics expressed here is also a science. This is so because it proposes a structure and process to innovation that can be corroborated through observation and experiment. In its scientific aspect this book starts with a derivation of some subjective qualities of light that are proposed to set up objective reality. There is a four-foldness that is seen in this analysis that becomes the basis of the entire mathematics through the rest of the book. Hence the development of the mathematics primarily proceeds through induction, subsequently employing deduction to derive a representative set of mathematical operators that must be true of any complex system.
This book is therefore an artistic-mathematical contemplation of the aspect of innovation-reality that exists in every point-instant of any complex system. To make the most of it my suggestion is to suspend any judgment and enter the unfolding contemplation to the degree possible. In this way you may see as I have seen, and this may enrich in some way your own point of view.