This book is about Light. It is a story of Light from an apparent beginning to the present, and then also a story of that condition that transcends Time and is hence beginning-less. But it is more too. It is a book about the central place of Light in all things. Being so, it is a cosmology – it suggests a nature of the universe – in which all that is, is of Light. Hence this book describes a Cosmology of Light. But the medium chosen to express this nature is mathematics. Specifically, as will be discovered there is a particular symmetrical “function-based” mathematics that is formulated to express the nature of cosmos. The starting point is Light itself, and all that is seen to exist is as a play of Light. Hence, Light is presumed to exist in some native state characterized by an infinite speed. It chooses or experiments to project its fundamental nature at some reduced speed that is experienced as ‘c’, 186,000 miles per second in vacuum that has a profound effect on the experienced nature of reality. This projection precipitates a Big Bang. A mathematical state in which quanta becomes a door-way to multiple-layers of Light comes into existence at that moment and is captured by a seed-equation that is positioned as being always fully present in any and everything. Hence all of Light conspires to create anything and everything no matter how different from Light it may seem. Hence there is a fundamental symmetry to everything no matter how different it may appear in form. The seed-equation is structured by a four-foldness anchored on implicit properties in Light. This four-foldness is the cornerstone of the constructed function-based mathematics. This equation, referred to as the “Light-Space-Time Emergence” equation contains all possibility, and will indicate how all layers of known existence have emerged. The same equation essentially being used for anything in existence points to the fundamental mathematical symmetry of all things. Hence, from an initial fourfold space-time-energy-gravity expression, through the electromagnetic field, quantum particles, atoms, cells, and then human attributes and dynamics, to complex organizations and countries, culminating in a possible sustainable global civilization, the relationship of all things to this underlying seed-equation and all things as the seed-equation will be emphasized. But it will also be seen that Love is the compelling dynamic of projected four-foldness and appears to be the magician that causes the separated fourfold powers in Light to reintegrate to make materially real the compelling nature of oneness that Light and all its creatures in reality are. In the scheme of things, the human, placed at the middle of sixty orders of cosmic magnitude, ranging from the minute Planck-length to astronomical gigaparsecs appears to have a critical role in the continuing unfolding of the Cosmos. It is only by transcending smallness and becoming one with the magician to so enter into the very dynamic of Love, that the universe can continue on its ever-complexifying, ever more-beautiful journey of increasing functional-richness. It is only if humans so unite with the secret of Light that truer individuality, truer-knowledge, truer-power can emerge, and the very material process of space-time-energy-gravity quantization can be activated to create foundations of super-matter, that in the scheme of things is the compelling crystallization of the infinity in Light, reformulating micro and macro orders of magnitude to change the nature of Cosmos.