बेंजामिन ग्राहम का स्पष्ट मत है कि ‘उद्यमशील निवेशक’ अपना अधिकांश ध्यान व कोशिशें औसत से अधिक लाभ देनेवाले निवेश-प्रतिफलों पर केंद्रित करेगा। ऐसे में, रक्षात्मक निवेशकों की तुलना में उद्यमशील निवेशक विशेष प्रकार की निवेश-सूची (इंवेस्टमेंट पोर्टफोलियो) का निर्माण भी करेगा।
NIVESHAK KYA KAREN by PRADEEP THAKUR: This book provides insights into the basics of investment planning and risk management. With its focus on personal finance and wealth management, "NIVESHAK KYA KAREN" is a must-read for anyone interested in building and managing wealth.
Key Aspects of the Book "NIVESHAK KYA KAREN":
Investment Planning: The book provides a comprehensive overview of investment planning, highlighting the key factors that need to be considered in order to make informed investment decisions.
Risk Management: The book focuses on the importance of risk management in the investment process, offering strategies and tools for managing risk.
Personal Finance: The book emphasizes the importance of personal finance and wealth management in achieving financial security and freedom.
PRADEEP THAKUR is a financial analyst and writer who has written extensively on personal finance and investment planning. "NIVESHAK KYA KAREN" is one of his most popular works.