Pradeep L. Menezes (corresponding author) is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. Before joining this university, he worked as an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee (UWM), Wisconsin, and as a research assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Menezes’s productive research career has produced more than 120 peer-reviewed journal publications (citations more than 5000, h-index–34), 30 book chapters, and 4 books related to tribology.
Pradeep K. Rohatgi is a UWM Distinguished Professor. He has coedited and coauthored 12 books and more than 400 scientific papers and has 19 US patents. He is considered as a world leader in composites and materials policy for the developing world. He has served on committees of the governments of the USA and India in the areas of materials, especially those related to automotive sector, to promote collaboration. His research includes advanced manufacture of lightweight, energy-absorbing, self-lubricating, and self-healing materials and components, including micro- and nano-composites and syntactic foams. He is the founder chief technology officer (CTO) of Intelligent Composites, LLC, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Emad Omrani is a process engineer at Intel Corporation. He was a graduate student of Dr. Rohatgi at the UWM. He has coauthored 2 book chapters and over 10 peer-reviewed scientific papers. At UWM, Dr. Menezes collaborated with Dr. Rohatgi and Dr. Omrani in the areas of tribology and self-lubricating materials and published several research papers on the tribology of self-lubricating materials. Dr. Menezes and Dr. Rohatgi are well-known tribologists and self-lubricating materials scientists. These editors are therefore well known and well connected in this field to put forth an excellent book on this topic.