Prof Pradeep K. Sharma is an international soil & water management expert. He has multiple senior academic appointments at national agricultural universities as Sr. Scientist (Soils)/Professor (Soil Physics)/Chief Scientist (Water Management); Officer on Special Duty to Vice Chancellor; Dean (Postgraduate Studies); Vice Chancellor; and Assistant Director General (ICAR). Prof Sharma has served on several committees at the National and International level. He has been teaching course in Soil Physics, Soil Conservation, Water Management, Tillage Management, Rainfed Agriculture to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Dr Sandeep Kumar received his PhD (Soil Physics) from University of Missouri-Columbia (USA) and was a Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Scientist in Prof Rattan Lal's lab at Ohio State University. He is currently an Associate Professor at South Dakota State University. He is involved in various integrated research projects focused on developing sustainable management systems (e.g., converting to no-till, adding cover crops, integrating crops and livestock, diversifying rotations, introducing perennial grasses on marginal lands) and their impacts on soil health, agricultural emissions, water quantity and quality, and crop performance. He has been mentoring students and researchers, and working with various extension specialists, social scientists, and economists to convey the importance of sustainable management systems to agricultural producers and policy makers.