The second book of ponniyin selvan, titled Sularkatru, continues the saga of the Chola dynasty in the 10th century. The book follows the adventures of Vallavarayan Vandhiyathevan, a young and brave messenger of the crown prince Aditya Karikalan, who travels across the Chola land to deliver important messages and uncover secrets. Along the way, he meets many friends and foes, including the beautiful princess Kundhavai, the mysterious sage Azhwarkadiyan, the cunning Nandhini, and the formidable Pazhuvettarayars. He also witnesses the intrigues and conspiracies that threaten to overthrow the Chola throne and the peace of the land. The book ends with a cliffhanger, as Vandhiyathevan is captured by the enemies and the fate of the Chola empire hangs in the balance.