Skye Soames’s search for her family’s long-lost diamonds leads her to Benoit Chalendar’s mansion in the Costa Rican rainforest. The billionaire offers to help her find the diamonds—if she agrees to marry him! To remain CEO of his company, he must look as if he’s settling down...
For Benoit, watching prim and proper Skye discover her adventurous side amongst the wildlife and waterfalls is an unexpected thrill. It only fans the flames of their potent attraction. But can their pact survive the test when they return to reality...?
Pippa Roscoe lives in Norfolk near her family and makes daily promises that this is the day she will leave the computer and take a long walk in the countryside. She can't remember a time when she wasn't dreaming of gorgeous alpha males and misunderstood heroines. Totally her mother's fault of course – she gave Pippa her first romance at the age of seven! She is inconceivably happy that she gets to share those day dreams with you! @PippaRoscoe