Christian Jutten received a PhD degree in 1981 and the Docteur ès Sciences degree in 1987 from the Institut National Polytechnique of Grenoble (France). He is currently deputy director of Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies of CNRS. He has been deputy director of the Grenoble images, speech, signal and control laboratory (GIPSA) and director of the Department Images-Signal (DIS from 2007 to 2010. For 30 years, his research interests have been blind source separation, independent component analysis and learning in neural networks, including theoretical aspects (separability, source separation in nonlinear mixtures, sparsity) and applications in signal processing (biomedical, seismic, hyperspectral imaging, speech). He is author or co-author of more than 75 papers in international journals, four books, 25 invited plenary talks and 170 communications in international conferences. He received the Medal Blondel in 1997 from SEE (French Electrical Engineering society) for his contributions in source separation and independent component analysis, and has been elevated as a Fellow IEEE and a senior Member of Institut Universitaire de France in 2008. In 2012, he was awarded by an ERC Advanced Grant CHESS. In 2013, he has been elevated as EURASIP Fellow and reconducted for five years as a senior member of Institut Universitaire de France.