Alhamdulillah, the team that compiled the book entitled “Excellent Potential and Investment Opportunities in Dompu Regency” is intended to provide a complete picture of the geographical conditions, socioeconomic characteristics, and culture of the population as a whole in order to invite investment opportunities and knowledge about Dompu as a whole.
The book entitled “Excellent Potential and Investment Opportunities in Dompu Regency” is a portrait of the current condition of Dompu because it presents data and profiles of investment opportunities in various Development Sectors in Dompu Regency.
I would like to express my thanks to all parties who have contributed to the completion of the book “Excellent Potential and Investment Opportunities in Dompu Regency”, as well as my great appreciation for the publication of the book.
We hope that the book can be a reference in planning investments and developing the potential of our natural resources to improve the welfare and prosperity of the people of Dompu Regency. Finally, we hope that the publication will be useful for all parties.