Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Robert C. Fuller. Another year, another Photoshop update. True to form, Mr. Fuller still shuns the daylight, but just like the last time around, it took only a shiny new iMac to bring him up from the basement. While the rejuvenating effects of last year’s run-in with the eMac did not have longstanding positive effects on his mental health, at least this year he’s been speaking in complete sentences. “I really like this iMac” is all we’ve heard out of him, but at least he’s smiling and the faceless apparitions don’t seem to plague him as much.
Robert is the author of the Dreamweaver 4 and HTML Virtual Classroom books (McGraw-Hill/Osborne), as well as HTML in 10 Steps or Less (Wiley Publishing, Inc.). He has contributed to The Photoshop 7 Complete Reference (McGraw-Hill/Osborne), The Photoshop 2 Elements Bible, and Restoration and Retouching with Photoshop Elements 2 (both Wiley Publishing, Inc.), as well as last year’s Photoshop CS2 Bible Professional Edition. Robert also teaches computer topics at colleges and through online courses. You can write to him at [email protected].