DR PETER GROOTENBOER was a school teacher and leader for 12 years before moving into the tertiary sector. He received a national Jim Campbell Award for teaching excellence. He is now an Associate Professor of Education at Griffith University and the Deputy Director of the Griffith Institute for Educational Research. His recent co-authored books include Changing Practices, Changing Education and Mathematics, Affect and Learning. His research interests include practice/praxis theory, mathematics education, educational leadership, action research and issues of educational social justice.
DR CHRISTINE EDWARDS-GROVES is Senior Lecturer (Literacy) and co-leader of the Speech, Language and Literacy research strand in the Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education (RIPPLE) at Charles Sturt University. Her research focuses on classroom interaction and literacy pedagogies, teacher professional development, action research and practice theory. Christine is Australian coordinator and co-leader of the International Pedagogy, Education and Praxis research network (PEP) and co-chair of the Global Assembly of Action Research Networks. She is currently a lead investigator on a national literacy project investigating dialogic pedagogies and practices in primary schools.
DR SAROJNI CHOY is an Associate Professor of Professional, Continuing and Vocational Education at Griffith University. Her research and writing focus on workplace learning, curriculum, continuing education and training, work-integrated learning, workforce capacity building, action research and practice theory. She serves on the editorial boards of international journals and is a regular reviewer for international journals and international conferences in vocational education.