The 10 lessons and follow up work empower students to:
" reflect on behaviour and consequences
" recognise and understand feelings
" develop strategies to control angry outbursts
" respond to conflict without anger
" resolve relationship difficulties.
The programme promotes self-belief in students that they can effect change in their behaviour and achieve a positive outcome to reduce the risk of exclusion.
Tina Rae specializes in social, emotional and behavioral disorders and difficulties. She has undertaken research in the areas of engagement and disaffection with learning in young people, debriefing following critical incidents, attachment disorders, emotional well being and the psychological assessment of young offenders. Rae is experienced in assessing children and young people with respect to learning difficulties, emotional well being and relationships with carers. She is a registered member of the Health Professions Council and a full member of the British Psychological Society. She is currently a Professional and Academic tutor on the Doctorate in Child and Educational Psychology at UEL. Tina is a member of the SEBDA executive and council and a member of ENSEC. With 68 publications to date, she has written extensively on topics such as well-being, attachment, resilience, emotional literacy, behavioural problems, anger and stress management, critical incidents, cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing, solution focused brief therapy, loss and bereavement in young people, youth offending and social skills development.