Lauren Seiberling
Holy smokes! This was a book unlike any other I have read. It's my 2nd Paul Lonardo romance, and I knew it was gonna be good! I was interested to see how Paul worked Native American concepts into the story. It's not a topic widely written about in the romance genre (that I've seen, anyway), so that was very intriguing to me. He used the angle of "Native magic" perfectly, and it added a very cool and unique element to this story. There are definitely some fiery parts in this story of enchanted desire! I don't think I'll ever look at Native magic in the same way again! And can I just say that Shanna's sister, Courtney, was hysterical! I loved every word that came out of her mouth and felt she contrasted nicely with Shanna's more sober persona. I, personally, would have liked it if Shanna and Kenny had a few more encounters to build the tension and developed at least some type of rapport before their first major encounter, and the romantic in me would have loved a Happily Ever After ending. But, the emotions conveyed between Kenny and Shanna left no question about their feelings for each other, and I'll take the Happy for Now ending and patiently wait for Paul's next awesome romance! ***I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author***