Margaret Watkins
This is a suspenseful drama, set in an era of prejudice and intolerance. As Steve travels across the country to find his boss' half-breed daughter, there are those who are not at all happy about the unfolding events. I found the book to be emotionally draining although it does come to a successful conclusion. Finding Raven, one could understand Steve's fascination with her, but I could also sympathise with Raven in her reluctance to return with him to her father's home. Certainly, she is no stranger to rejection and the malicious intolerance that she faces gives her cause to reconsider her decisions. Although the story is well written with complex characters, I found it a little disturbing. I received this book for free from eBook Discovery. I voluntarily post this review. This is my honest review.
Edwina Brown
A wonderful story with unexpected plot twists that have you believing in the old adage, that home is where the heart is! Raven and Steve find that the love of a place, an affinity for horses, and their undeniable passion for each other can overcome just about any barrier to their happiness, especially their own doubts. I received this book for free from ebook Discovery. I voluntarily reviewed this book and this is my honest review.
Lyndsay Kerton
Was OK but ended abit abrubt
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